* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org – RonPaulInstitute.org.
* Radio Host Art Bell Dies at 72!
* John Curtis bill to Militarize the West HR4532.
This bill slashes Bears Ears National Monument (315 square miles, or 1.35 million acres), and establishes two smaller monuments, Shash Jaa and Indian Creek (totaling 202,000 acres). This is an 85% reduction in size.
It’s important to understand what happened to the Bundys is the type of law enforcement presence that the Feds (such as the BLM) are able to muster, including sniper squads, swat teams, para-military style drills and exercises, heavy equipment including bear cats, helicopters and drones).
Curtis is creating a federal law enforcement team, operating with unique jurisdiction within state and local boundaries, unaccountable and militarized.
* Loving Liberty Event Featuring Carol Bundy and Jeanette Finicum.
Carol Bundy said she has been flagged as a domestic terrorist, and gets all kinds of “special” treatment from the TSA now.
She encouraged us to be strong, merit the blessings of the Spirit, and go forward with faith. “Git ‘er done!” she said. “Have dirt under your fingernails, and liberty in your blood.”
Jeanette Finicum showed the video of the kill stop (murder) of her husband.
She is speaking out about LaVoy’s murder because SHE wants to take back the narrative from the media. She is being followed, and has been profiled as a domestic terrorist. But their family is not a threat. They believe in responsible government.
* Utah County Republican Party Convention.