* Guest: Terry Colafrancesco – Founder and director of Caritas of Birmingham, the world’s largest center for propagation and information of the Medjugorje phenomenon – mej.com.
Book: They Fired the First Shot 2012.
New book titled, Has satan Pulled Another One on You? about ADHD, the use of ritalin, mental disorders, etc. This new book will be released on May 1.
* Cory Baadsgaard: FDA 2004 Testimony.
* GOP strategist: Alex CASTELLANOS: Republicans will lose 40 to 50 House seats and Will Lose Control Of The House.
* Republicans Are Fleeing And So Are Their Hopes For Keeping The House.
* Sheriff Joe: If Democrats take back the Senate they will demolish our progress, raise our taxes, and open our borders.
* Giuliani Joins Trump Legal Team.