* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org – RonPaulInstitute.org.
* Epic Ron Paul Speech, “Only a Moral Society Will Make Our Citizens and Their Guns Less Violent”.
* The US spends $50B annually on the war in Afghanistan, Sen. Rand Paul has repeatedly claimed, and the numbers back him up!
* How False Flag Operations Are Carried Out Today.
* ‘No Attacks, No Victims’: Syria Chemical Attack Video Participants Speak At OPCW Briefing.
* Did You Really Drop Bombs on a Chemical Weapons Facility Mrs May?
* Sen. Rand Paul Rebukes Blitzer on $1.15B Saudi ‘Arms for Jobs’ Stance.
* How Neocons Destroyed a Chance for Peace with Iran After 9/11
Former Rep. Ron Paul often warned us about “blowback” when criticizing US foreign policy.