* Guest: Neldon Johnson inventor of RaPower3 solar technologies – iaus.com – rapower3.com.
* We discuss the disruptive technologies used by RaPower3 and give a look into the future as more and more of these technologies are commercialized and put into use.
* California grid operator sees tight power supplies for summer.
* Texas produces twice as much renewable energy – including wind, solar and other types of power sources – as its heavily regulated competitor California, Forbes reports.
* California Board Rules All Future Homes Will Be Equipped with Solar Power.
* What about choice C with RaPower3?
* Spotify Moves To Limit ‘Hate’. Left-Wing SPLC Is Now Policing What Music You Can Listen To On Spotify.
* School Allows Everyone to Make Cheer Team After Parent Complains.
* Nolte: Women’s Studies Professor Files Complaint over ‘Lingerie’ Joke on Elevator.
* For the First Time Ever, America Has Enough Jobs for Everyone.