* Guest: Bryan Rust – Over the past 50 years, Rust Coins has been working to educate customers about precious metals – Rust Coin & Gift – rustcoinandgift.com.
Honest Money Report: Gold: $1287.70 Silver: $16.39.
* World Bank Thinks Gold and Silver Have Seen Their Best Days In 2018.
* China calls for new global currency – ABC News.
* Counterfeit gold coins flood the market.
* Costco Stores Reject Gun Store’s Donation to Children’s Miracle Network.
* Cornell student presents senior thesis in her underwear – Dennis Prager.
* Bill O’Reilly In Talks To Return To Cable News – Greta Van Susteren, Eric Bolling, Sean Spicer also sought.
* Trump Visits Melania At Hospital For Third Day In A Row.
* ‘Christian Internet’ vows to make users ‘safe, strong and blessed’.
* Utah company uses goats to clear urban lawns.