* We Are Americans Lloyd Marcus 2018.
* Ex-Secret Service agent files $1.5B RICO case against Clintons.
* Drivers Go ‘James Bond’ To Avoid Paying Tolls – ‘They’re getting very creative’.
* Budget and Spending – Responsive, Accountable Government Is the Key to President Trump’s Reform Plan.
President Trump Is Reforming the Federal Government, Making it More Efficient, Effective, and Accountable.
* Just in time for the 4th, FB censors patriotic country song because of ‘political content’.
* The Wes Cook band was stifled by Facebook on Monday, while trying to promote their new song entitled, “I Stand for the Flag.”
* Policeman piggybacks elderly man struggling to cross a busy road in China.
* Religious People Live 4 Years Longer – Scientists suggest it’s because of being more social, volunteering.
* Feds Begin Project To Protect Worship! Addressing rights of faith members to ‘buy, rent and use land’.