* Guests: Lowell Nelson – Robert McEntee – Hardening the US Grid for Protection Against EMP Warfare – EMPTaskForce.us – SecureTheGrid.com.
* What Is An EMP Attack? – How Likely Is an EMP Strike?
* What Can We Do Individually and Collectively to Harden The Grid and Prepare ourselves to Survive an EMP Strike?
* China, Russia, Israel, S. Korea and maybe a few others have hardened their electric grids against EMP effects, we have not. This is a red-alert glaring vulnerability.
* Small portions of our military have hardened electronics, but 99% dependent on civilian electricity.
* If the Sun or a nuclear weapons EMP effect hits our grid, as the sun has done many times historically, 1-3 of our major US electric grids will go down and will not soon come back up.