* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org – RonPaulInstitute.org.
* Kavanaugh, the Disgust Circuit, Is the limit at which behavior in others triggers our gut-level outrage and we recoil with disgust.
“The truth is easy to support. Lies cost money. The more outrageous the lie the more expensive it gets to maintain it.”
* Kellyanne Conway reveals she has been a victim of sexual assault.
* HR 6729. purports to fight human trafficking but actually expands warrant-less surveillance and data collection powers.
* Demand they support a vote on “Audit the Fed” S. 16.
* Holodomor Memorial Day.
* Update on the Brutal Yemen War.
* What is the solution? Non-interventionism. Leave Syria. Leave Yemen: stop selling airplanes and weapons to Saudi Arabia, stop refueling, stop giving them targeting information. We just marched in. We can just march out.
* Do We Live in a Digital Dictatorship?
* Jack Morman is the Republican Precinct 2 representative on the Harris County Commissioners Court in Texas.