* Guest: Larry Pratt – Long-time, Retired, Conservative Activist in Washington.
* Sam Bushman: Open Letter – A Clarian Call for Civility Written 06/05/2016.
* Hillary Clinton Rejects Calls For Civility.
* Confirmed: George Soros Funded Anti-Kavanaugh Protesters.
* Anarchy Breaks Out in Portland, With the Mayor’s Blessing – The police followed orders to do nothing.
* ‘Second civil war’ is coming, say 31% of Americans, prompting wartime – OregonLive.com.
* 31 percent of motivated US voters polled for a recent Rasmussen Reports survey said “it’s likely that the United States will experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years.
* Rand Paul: “I fear that there’s going to be an assassination … I really worry that somebody is going to be killed,”
* Rand’s Wife Kelley Paul: “I now keep a loaded gun by my bed.”
* Maryland gun regulators are insisting that anyone who wants to defend their home with a firearm must have a month of special training.
* Eric Holder Questions Legitimacy of Supreme Court – Newsmax.com.
* Gun Owners of America: Liberals Have Created ‘Safe Zones’ Where Would-Be Victims Can’t Fight Back.
* Seattle passed a law requiring gun owners to store firearms unloaded and in a secured container.