* Guest: Bryan Rust – Over the past 50 years, Rust Coins has been working to educate customers about precious metals – rustcoinandgift.com.
* Honest Money Report: Gold: $1225.10 Silver: $14.59.
* As Trump slams Fed, its policymakers tune him out.
* Replace The Fiat Dollar With Honest Money, Make America Gold Again! Gold is real money, timeless insurance, nature’s currency!
* Materialistic People More Likely To Be Unhappy In Their Marriage.
* The Trump administration repealed 12 existing regulations for every new one issued by federal agencies, according to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). OIRA estimates deregulation saved $23B in 2018.
* President Trump is asking his cabinet to cut each department’s budget by 5%.
* Richest 1,409 taxpayers pay more tax than bottom 70 MILLION – Bloomberg.
* The top 1% paid a greater share of individual income taxes (37.3%) than the bottom 90% combined (30.5%).
* The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of total individual income taxes.
* Democrats Raised $1B For Congressional Races.