* Guest: Terry Colafrancesco – Founder/Director of Caritas of Birmingham – A Friend of Medjugorje – MEJ.com.
* Terry published a short book, Power of Words Bring Down Empires, which has started a national movement of prayer before the upcoming November elections.
* Book: They Fired the First Shot 2012.
* Norm Franz: “Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves.”!
* Sam Bushman: Replace The Fiat Dollar With Honest Money, Make America Gold Again! Gold is real money, timeless insurance, nature’s currency!
* Trump says the Federal Reserve has gone crazy! – Why is Trump taking aim at the Federal Reserve?
* America’s Financial Day Of Reckoning – Chuck Baldwin.
* The Secret War on Cash 2.0: The Rest of the Story – Joseph Farah.
* Feds say coins, paper money still needed – Bill Theobald USAToday.
* Cost of living rises at fastest rate in decade – Justin Wise The Hill.