* Guest: Terry Colafrancesco – Founder/Director of Caritas of Birmingham – A Friend of Medjugorje – MEJ.com.
* Guest: Richard Mack – TheFreedomCoalition.com – CSPOA.org.
* There Is No Liberty With Innocents in Prison!
* Judge gives Steve Stockman 10 years in prison.
* Did you know that the United States incarcerates more people than any other country in the world?
* Did you know that the average cost to the taxpayer to house each inmate is around $33,000 a year?
* In total, taxpayers are left with a $39B invoice each year.
* Rod Blagojevich: My plea for prison reform – WashingtonExaminer.com.
My time in prison has taught me that we need serious reforms. It’s also taught me that there are a lot of people in here with good hearts.