* The United States is a Republic Not a Democracy!
* Sign the Manhattan Declaration – Not!
* Donald Trump’s latest and most dangerous assault on the rule of law – RawStory.com.
The “rule of law” distinguishes democracies from dictatorships. It’s based on three fundamental principles. Trump is violating every one of them.
* No person is above the law, not even a president.
* A president cannot prosecute political opponents or critics.
* A president must be respectful of the independence of the judiciary.
* Julian Assange Has Been Secretly Indicted, in federal court in Virginia, Prosecutors Accidentally Reveal.
* US Preparing to Indict Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange – Facing a Secret Criminal Case Filed by the Trump Administration.
* Trump: ‘I don’t know anything’ about Julian Assange – WashingtonExaminer.com.
* English Rock Star Billy Idol Celebrates Becoming a U.S. Citizen.