* Guest: Richard Mack – TheFreedomCoalition.com.
* Behar: Maybe Orrin Hatch ‘Needs to Go to Jail’ for Supporting Trump.
* Sex abuse scandal-plagued Boy Scouts may declare bankruptcy.
* Roy Moore Suing for $95M After Being Duped by Sacha Baron Cohen Into Fake Pedophile Detector Scan.
* Schumer Roasts Trump: If Mexico Paying for Wall, Then ‘Let’s Fund Government’.
* Cool Clint Does it Again: Eastwood’s “The Mule” Enters the Oscar Contest Late, But the 88 Year Old Director Has Another Hit.
* Have You Seen The Movie American Made?
* IG: Mueller’s office wiped data on Strzok, Page iPhones – WND.com.
* Commission Investigating Parkland Votes 13-1 to Arm Teachers.
* Black South African politician urges followers to ‘kill whites’, saying: ‘We will kill their children and their women’.
* Woman Threatened with Fine for Putting Up Posters Inviting Lonely People to Christmas Dinner.