* Guest: Scott Bradley – To Preserve The Nation – FreedomsRisingSun.com.
* David Knight has suffered a heart attack and is scheduled to undergo serious surgery. Please pray for David.
* A partial list of victories that Liberty Counsel Action lobbied for this year regarding the sanctity of life:
More than 80 constitutionalist judges were confirmed.
States can defund abortion providers.
Medical personnel have religious and moral exemptions from performing abortions or other actions opposed to their faith.
Churches, companies, and affiliated hospitals have the freedom to not provide abortion, assisted suicide, transgender surgeries, etc.
State governments can’t discriminate against individuals or organizations that do not provide or refer for abortions.
Abortion insurance must be collected separately from taxpayer-funded insurance premiums.
Family planning funding is separated from groups that refer to, or provide, abortion services. Groups have less than one year left to separate their facilities from abortion clinic locations.
The continuation of the Hyde Amendment and the Mexico City Policy, which end taxpayer funding of abortion. And defunding the U.N. Population Fund that pushes abortions worldwide.