* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org – RonPaulInstitute.org.
* Update: Utah Eagle Forum Annual Convention.
* Mike Lee: The central government has claimed outlandish authority. The NDAA, Unconstitutionally allows government to detain US citizens indefinitely on US soil.
* While we must defend our country, we must not support the war in Yemen. He helped to pass a War Powers Resolution to end US support of that war. He also applauded Trump’s announcement about leaving Syria!
* Joe Kerry talked about Elijah (a Prophet of the Old Testament). What do you know about Elijah?
From humble beginnings, Elijah became a prophet of God with no fear. He confronted King Ahab, and told him no rain would fall until he repented.
* Gayle Ruzicka encouraged us to warn our children against THC syrups. Too many are mixing it in their soda pops at school and carrying it around in their back packs. How did we get here? By the initiative process. We must fix our initiative process, before other bad things happen.
* An Oligarchy of Thieves (Federal Supremacists) – Kris Anne Hall.
* The general government has only those powers enumerated in the Constitution.
* The federal government does not have the authority to determine the limits of federal power, since it is not a party to the compact but a creation of the compact.
* The Supreme Court is PART of the federal government–not OVER it, and it possesses no power greater than the executive or legislative branches, and certainly not greater than the authority of its creators (the states).
* To allow the federal government (i.e. SCOTUS) to determine its own limits is CONTRARY to the Constitution, to the principles of a Republic, and to the limited and defined nature of our government.
* The federal government cannot write laws that are contrary to the Constitution.
* In light of these facts, it is impossible to accept the notion that states are merely political subdivisions of the general government. No, states are parties to the contract. They created the general government, and it serves at their pleasure.