* Guest: Patrick Semmens – National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation – RightToWork.org.
* Ohio Union Bosses Back Down from Class Action Lawsuit Challenging “Window Period” Scheme Designed to Block Workers’ Janus Rights.
* Know Your Rights – MyJanusRights.org.
* Public Employees Hit Union with Charges for Intimidation and Discrimination.
* Outcome of Los Angeles Teachers’ Strike Brings Up Serious Questions.
* On one of the coldest days in Chicago history, someone put 70 homeless people up in a hotel.
* Casey Hathaway: Three-year-old boy missing in freezing weather for two days ‘looked after by bear’ ‘He said – God sent him a friend to keep him safe,’ says aunt Chris Baynes.
* Baby body parts in ‘humanized mice’ experiments.
* Patriots Owner Robert Kraft: Trump Working Hard to ‘Serve the Best Interests of the Country’.
* Donald Trump Golfs with Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods.