* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org – RonPaulInstitute.org.
* ChurchOfJesusChrist.org General Conference In Review.
* “Unplanned” brought in $3.2M over the weekend, to $8.6M in two weeks.
* Common Core Conversation.
* Highland, Utah Meeting Kristen Chevrier.
* Newquist Breakfast.
Three speakers: Jack McMannus, Jonathan Matusitz, and Vince Newmeyer.
Bottom line for Jack: Get US out of the UN.
Jonathan Matusitz discussed “Islam: Is it what we think?
About 10% of them are violent jihadists. They kill about 100,000 Christians every year. Did you know that 98% of the victims of Jihad are Muslim?
* Eric Peters Autos: Replacement Revenue.
Car makers in the EU are being required to embed in their cars a technology called “Intelligent Speed Assist,” which is a euphemism for an electronic nanny which will force cars–force drivers–to obey all speed limits.
How about a federal property tax? That’s not out of the question.
How can we stop these tax increases?