* Trump threatens to ship Illegals to sanctuary cities?
* Steve Camarota: Every Illegal Alien Costs Americans $70K Over Their Lifetime.
* Chinese Scientists Put Human Brain Gene into Monkeys to Make Them Smarter and More Human-Like – yes, they may be smarter.
* Have Scientists in China “brain hacked” monkeys in ‘morally risky’ experiment?
* Is this Scientific Racism?
* Baby monkey vs. Baby Human – PBS NewsHour.
Yes, monkeys are having sex with deer. Why would they do that? – Popular Science.
* How can evolution explain that monkeys don’t have different races?
* Tiny Genetic Differences between Humans and Other Primates …
Genetics | The Smithsonian Institution’s Human Origins Program.
* Chimps, Humans 96 Percent the Same, Gene Study Finds – NationalGeographic.com.