* Military Warns: Ready to protect US and its assets – Crowd of UFO fans seeking to ‘raid Area 51’ hits 1 Million.
* Fort Knox holds more than 147M Ounces of Gold? – We Need A Crowd of 1 Million Patriots Who Are Willing to Find Out!
* Guest: Bryan Rust – Over the past 50 years, Rust Coins has been working to educate customers about precious metals – RustCoinAndGift.com.
* Honest Money Report: Gold: $1410.50 Silver: $15.49.
* The fact is the U.S. uses the dollar as a foreign policy weapon.
* Flushing drugs could create ‘meth gators’, warn Tennessee police.
* Gold To Silver Ratio Spikes To Highest Level In 27 Years.
* Going Back To The Gold Standard ‘Could Crush U.S. Economy’ – Wells Fargo.
* How Much Trouble Are Gold Stocks In?
* The Billionaires’ Club is Thirsty For Gold And Here’s Why – Kitco.