* Guest: Scott Bradley – To Preserve The Nation – FreedomsRisingSun.com.
* President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will address the 110th annual national convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) July 21, 2019, in Detroit, MI.
* The prophet has made clear in word and deed his desire to be a bridge-builder with all peoples, faiths, cultures, and communities.
* “Only the comprehension of the true Fatherhood of God can bring full appreciation of the true brotherhood of men and the true sisterhood of women,” – “That understanding inspires us with passionate desire to build bridges of cooperation instead of walls of segregation.”
* Scorching Heat Is Widespread. The National Weather Service calls it a ‘dangerous heatwave’.
* ‘Mind-Blowing’ Fix for Climate Change: Billions of Trees. Scientists say a massive tree-planting initiative might be the most efficient way to stop global warming.
* There are 3 trillion trees on Earth, but adding between 500 billion and 1.5 trillion more could help solve a big crisis on the horizon.
* Piling billions of tons of man-made snow on top of the West Antarctic ice sheet could prevent it from melting and thus collapsing into the sea, a new study suggests.