* Guest: Bryan Rust – Over the past 50 years, Rust Coins has been working to educate customers about precious metals – RustCoinAndGift.com.
* Honest Money Report: Gold: $1494.60 Silver: $16.93.
* US Labels China ‘Currency Manipulator’, Beijing warns of financial chaos, Gold Soars, Bubble Popping, Recession Warning?
* US dollar: Here’s how much $1 is worth in every state – USA Today.
* Chicken Little Economics: Will the Sky Keep Falling?
* The Owner of 8chan Says the Manifesto Was NOT Uploaded by the El Paso Walmart Shooter.
* El Paso shooter’s mother warned police about her son weeks before massacre.
* Media Creates Impression That All Mass Shooters Are White Males, But NYT Disclosed in 2016 that 75% of Shooters Were Black.
* National Public Radio: Trump Should Have Blamed Himself for Mass Shootings.