* Ben Swann’s Truth In Media Podcast Launches Today!
* DOJ Declines to Prosecute Comey Despite Finding that He Leaked Info.
* Seattle Can’t Clean Human Feces Off Sidewalks Because Democrat Councilman Larry Gossett, Says pressure washers are racist. He says they bring back images of hoses being used against civil-rights activists.
* Anonymous Donor Gifts $25M to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.
* Teens push woman’s broken car 5 miles to her home – CNN.
* How a 93-year-old Couple Created a “Legacy of Love”.
* A Man Spent 82 Days in Jail on Meth Charges. The Meth Was Actually Honey.
* Ex-Arizona lawman seeks to reclaim mantle as ‘America’s toughest sheriff’.
* Appeals judge found shot dead behind home.
* We can’t trust the “fake news” to cover 2020.