* Roy Moore: False accusations are “latest tool of political left to steal elections” – AlReporter.com.
* Mosquito Experiment Has a Surprise Outcome. Instead of wiping them out, genetic engineering may have made them more ‘robust’.
Scientists say the modified genes are now showing up in the mosquito population, which was not supposed to happen.
* Feds sue Edward Snowden over new memoir.
* Per-Prisoner Cost at Gitmo Is Kind of Staggering. Try $13M per year for each individual, reports NYT.
* Gary Brown, who served as a legal adviser to the head of Guantanamo’s military commissions before being fired, has filed a federal whistle-blower complaint calling out “gross financial waste” at Gitmo.
* Saudi Arabia Promises Concrete Proof Iran Behind Oil Attack.
* Med School Is on Us, Cornell Decides. School will cover all costs for anyone qualifying for financial aid.