* Guest: Richard Mack – CSPOA.org.
* Forty conservative groups filed an ethics complaint against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for launching a “weaponized impeachment” against President Donald Trump.
Tea Party Patriot Action is leading the complaint, suggesting Pelosi has tried to seize political power from the executive branch of government by initiating her impeachment inquiry and “hypocritically usurped” President Donald Trump’s authority – Fox News.
* Democrats’ Decision to Televise Trump Impeachment Hearings Could Prove Politically Perilous – Reuters.
* WALL-TO-WALL COVERAGE? Lawmakers will have to avoid the urge to grandstand before a TV audience of millions.
* Can you Say Political CIRCUS?
* Trump will NOT be removed from office by impeachment. It takes a two-thirds super-majority of US senators to convict in an impeachment trial.
* To the Constitution Requires Only 34 Votes To Acquit!
* Sheriff Tony Mace – President of NM Sheriffs Assn as well as President of the Western States Sheriffs Assn – Stands for Liberty!