* Guest: Alan Philips – Nationally Recognized Expert and Presenter on Vaccine Rights.
* Alan Reports Live from The Vaccine Injury Epidemic (V.I.E.) Conference.
* VAXXED II Movie Screening with Q&A Panel Discussion – ‘Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth’.
* Guest: Bryan Rust – Over the past 50 years, Rust Coins has been working to educate customers about precious metals – RustCoinAndGift.com.
* Honest Money Report: Gold: $1469.60 Silver: $17.04.
* Trump: Open Borders Threatens the Wage Gains of America’s Lowest-Income Workers.
* DACA Protesters in Country Illegally Promise to Stay in US Regardless of High Court Decision.
* China harvesting organs from minorities, including Uighur Muslims: Activists tell UN.
* Chinese State Media Urges Hong Kong Police to ‘Shoot Down the Rioters’.
* Hong Kong Police Pepper-Spray Pregnant Woman, Drive Motorcycle into Crowd.
* Xi Jinping: China’s Communist Party Needs Tight ‘Grips’ on Military.
* Fitton: White House Visitor Logs Detail Meetings of the CIA’s Eric Ciaramella.
* Facing the thug who began this impeachment sham is essential to transparency, due process, and accountability.