* Results are in: Obama FBI misled court to spy on Trump campaign – Art Moore WND.com.
* Michael Horowitz: Obama FBI misled court to spy on Trump campaign – Mark Meadows: ‘It’s every bit as bad as advertised’!
* The FBI’s application was filled with errors, omissions and uncorroborated information, knowingly withholding exculpatory information and using “defensive briefings” to secretly access the Trump campaign.
* Sam Bushman: The Unconstitutional FBI is a Criminal Enterprise and Needs to be Shut Down Immediately!
* The FBI said it was conducting a terrorism investigation into the shooting at Naval Air Station Pensacola, as new information emerged about the gunman’s training at the facility.
* Nancy Pelosi Caught Colluding With United Nations To Restore Funding, Surrender Our Sovereignty!
* Barack Obama signed the treaty without ever seeking the advice and consent of Congress as the Constitution requires. His signature was illegitimate.
* Gun Ban on Military Bases Is Killing Our Soldiers.
* Donald Trump Eliminate Gun Free Zones In Schools And Military Bases First Day!
* Trump: ‘Take the guns first, go through due process second”!
* Reporter After Being Groped on Live TV: ‘You Violated Me’.