* Guest: Michael Hirsch – Virginia state chair for WatchMen On The Wall – A MINISTRY Of FRC – WatchMenPastors.org.
* Guest: Former Sheriff Richard Mack – CSPOA.org.
* Senate passes $1.4T spending package – Two votes on separate measures. The first bill passed 71 to 23. The second passed 81 to 11. The House has already cleared both pieces of legislation.
* Shame on The Donald! – Trump Claimed He’ll Never Sign a Spending Bill Like This One Again – Trump will sign $1.4T package, aides say, averting shutdown.
* Sen. Mike Lee: “These spending bills are a fiscal dumpster fire,”.
* ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’ Movement Grows in VA – Virginia Now Has 95 Second Amendment Sanctuaries And More To Come.
* Va. sheriff Scott Jenkins, will deputize residents if gun control laws pass.
* Virginia Patriots Sticking to Their Guns and God!