* Can a woman beet Trump?
* For First Time in 26 Years, All US Metros Enjoyed Income Gains – Alex Tanzi.
* Sean Hannity Announces He Will Launch Bombshell Book ‘Profiles in Corruption’.
* A former Penn State football player Isaiah Humphries, has filed a lawsuit against the college claiming that star players violently hazed other players and made sexual threats in the name of convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky.
* Arizona State University Prof: Shut Down Trump’s Twitter Account to Fight ‘Hate Speech’.
* Six Killed in China as Sinkhole Swallows Bus and Pedestrians.
* Philippines’ Duterte: ‘I’ll Pee on That Damned Volcano’.
* Tom Steyer Vows to Cancel Trump’s Tariffs Against China ‘On the First Day.
* County sued for barring church school from church building Accused of ‘misusing its power to suppress religious exercise’.
* Gen. Petraeus: Soleimani’s death more significant than Bin Laden’s.
* Britain Backs Trump on Iran, Deploys Royal Navy to Persian Gulf.
* Meadows: Iranians ‘Should Be Worried’ — Not About Regime Change, Their Economy Is Imploding!