* Guest: Sheila Weber – National Marriage Week USA – A campaign to encourage marriage, reduce divorce rates, curtail poverty, and benefit children – NationalMarriageWeekUSA.org.
* Kicking off a week of marriage-strengthening events hosted across the United States during the week of February 7th-14th.
* National Marriage Week USA has released a toolkit with ideas for how to promote marriage in your community, a list of trusted resources for struggling marriages, and the only online national calendar of marriage-strengthening events.
* Chef and TV personality Andrew Zimmern, goes from being homeless to celebrating 28 years of sobriety.
* OK State ponders telling feds to take regs and go away Committee could determine whether Washington’s actions constitutional. such commands are fundamentally incompatible with our constitutional system of dual sovereignty.
* Democratic Leader on Iowa: ‘Enough Is Enough’. DNC chief Tom Perez calls for a re-canvass.