* Guest: Bryan Rust – Rust Coins has been working to educate customers about precious metals – RustCoinAndGift.com.
* Honest Money Report: Gold: $1693.80 Silver: $15.42.
* Gov. Creditability Crisis Continues! – Fauci admits previous projection of 100K-240K coronavirus deaths was likely an overestimate.
* CDC Director: Coronavirus Death Toll Will Be ‘Much, Much, Much Lower’ than Projected.
* Trump: US Spent $452M on WHO in 2019 Against China’s $42M.
* Salt Lake County Mayor considers extending stay home order to Memorial Day or longer.
* The coronavirus pandemic has created a new class of criminals in America.
* Petition calls for halt in ‘sex-change’ operations during pandemic.
* Restrict abortion during the pandemic? Absolutely! – Star Parker.
* Conservative radio star erects lighted cross to support med workers, Newsweek calls it a ‘burning cross’.
* Pink: ‘I’ve Never Prayed More in My Life’ During Son’s Bout with Coronavirus.
* Tyler Perry Tips Struggling Restaurant Workers $21,000 to Help with Coronavirus.
* Samaritan’s Purse Delivers over Eight Tons of Medical Supplies for Rural Alaskan Communities.
* Beijing Gives ‘Chinese Medicine’ Packets to Students in Los Angeles.
* Rapper Master P Buying Groceries, Sanitizing the Homes of New Orleans Seniors.
* Actress promotes free homeschooling lesson plans for frustrated parents amid pandemic – CoronaVirusHomeschooling.com offers daily resources amid school shutdown – Art Moore.
* FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr Torches ‘Dangerous’ Petition to Weaponize FCC Against Free Speech.