* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org – RonPaulInstitute.org.
* It’s clear that Espinoza is a significant victory for school choice advocates and religious liberty. However, it’s a loss for state sovereignty.
* History: Richard Henry Lee wrote the original Declaration of Independence.
* Trump Sharpens Attack on America’s Enemies in His “Salute to America” Speech.
* Huge COVID Case-Counting Deception at the CDC – Jon Rappoport LewRockwell.com. “The big deal,” writes Rappoport, “is combining results from two different tests—the PCR and the antibody—and placing them in one lump. Combining the two tests will vastly inflate the number of cases.”
* Bill Gates Unmasked – Nancy Thorner IllinoisReview.com.
* From Gates’ speech: “If we do a good job on vaccines, health and reproduction, we can reduce the world population by 10-15%. Only a genocide can save the world.”
* Gates wants to inject you, your whole family, and every single person on the entire planet with an as-yet undeveloped and untested vaccine. Then he wants to track you using technology that sounds like it comes out of a science fiction movie. And unless and until everybody on earth submits to Gates’ vaccination demands, the technocratic globalist has declared repeatedly, society cannot and will not return to normal.