* How to Listen to Podcasts: for iPhone, you have the Apple Podcasts app, and for Android users, the Play Music app.
* The best third party app is Pocket Casts – PocketCasts.com.
Podcasts are all about killing two birds with one stone by listening while you do other things.
* Gospel Voice: A New Way to #HearHim – ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
* Carl Watkins: Sounds of Sunday (24/7) – SoundsOfSunday.com.
* State-by-state breakdown of federal aid per COVID-19 case.
* FDA delays on HCQ cost potentially 16,000 lives this month! – Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD., compares hydroxychloroquine effectiveness with remdesivir.
* How faith and failure led him to the White House at 73 – Chuck Norris lauds legend Jim Ryun on his receiving Presidential Medal of Freedom.
* Pandemic pushes travelers to take to the road in RVs – ‘Dealers are saying as high as 80% of customers are first-time buyers’.