* Glenn Beck has been nominated for the Radio Hall of Fame! Do You Agree?
* Vice President Mike Pence calls Chief Justice Roberts a ‘disappointment.’! – When do We Impeach?
* NYC sets visitor log checkpoints.
* ‘Ballot harvesting’: Ex-attorney general warns new vote plan is ‘ripe for fraud’.
* Pence: Spreading Mail-in Ballots Everywhere ‘Ripe for Fraud’ – Absentee Balloting Has Signature Checks.
* Trump challenges governor after statewide mail-in voting approved: ‘See you in court’.
* Trump vows to issue executive order on mail-in votes – ‘I have the right to do it’.
* Chinese Company Sues Apple for Intellectual Property Theft.
* China Bans Cell Phones in Granaries after Video Shows Moldy Corn.
* The savaging of AG Barr and hydroxychloroquine doctors.