* Guest: Bryan Rust – Over the past 50 years, Rust Coins has been working to educate customers about precious metals – RustCoinAndGift.com.
* Honest Money Report: Gold: $1938.64 Silver: $26.49.
* Sen. Kamala Harris, prosecuted nearly 2,000 people on marijuana-related charges during her time as CA AG.
* Wikipedia Editors Sanitize the Page of Kamala Harris.
* Pro-Life Leaders: Biden-Harris ‘Most Pro-Abortion Presidential Ticket in History’.
* Jason Chaffetz predicted a Biden and Harris loss, saying that the two were “fundamentally wrong on all of the issues.
* CNN suggests Biden may ‘step aside’ for Harris.
* Florida Sheriff Tells Deputies They Cannot Wear Masks Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods says ‘clear communication’ is paramount in these times. ‘This is no longer a debate nor is it up for discussion’.
* Wisconsin State Agency Forces Masks While on Video Calls.
* Gov. orders workers to wear masks even when home alone!
* Scientists find wearing certain masks may be more dangerous than wearing none at all – Jack Davis.
* Lawmaker wants to charge people with murder for not wearing a mask.
* 17-year-old undergoes surgery after couple attacks over water park’s mask policy – Teen ‘was aggressively punched by both the female and the male’.
* Nursery school forces children into plastic pods to enforce social distancing C. Douglas Golden.
* Oprah Hosts White Guilt Session: ‘Whiteness Gives You an Advantage No Matter What’.