* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org – RonPaulInstitute.org.
* “Rise Up Utah” Rally – Lowell attended a rally in Orem Utah (City Center Park), There were about 1500 people in attendance.
Robert Scott Bell talked about the virus, and the reason Covid tests are not accurate.
Eric Moutsos talked about the Utah Business Revival.
Cordie Lee Williams, from 1776ForeverFree.com, introduced us to his group.
Del Bigtree was the final and featured presenter.
* TakeActionForFreedom.com – Robyn Openshaw. – Visit PeoplesRights.org.
* Referendum on Salt Lake County Decision to extend mask mandate.
* Utah’s lawmakers won’t extend COVID-19 state of emergency!
* Why You Shouldn’t Believe Anything The Government Says About Vaccines And Viruses – Jon Rappoport LewRockwell.com – “If they lied to you then,” – “There is no reason to think they’re telling the truth now.”