* Guest: Michele Steeb – Author of Answers Behind the Red Door – Battling America’s Homeless Epidemic Continued!
* Reduce homelessness Expanding the Toolbox: The Whole-of-Government Response to Homelessness. The plan shares strategies to increase self-sufficiency and focuses on trauma-informed care by considering homelessness beyond the sole issue of housing to explore the root causes for each individual and family experiencing homelessness.
* Can I Create A Homeless Tent Camp? Cities have enacted laws in recent years to prevent homeless people from living in their towns. To give law enforcement officers support towards this goal, cities have made it illegal for people to live in their cars on city streets, parking lots, and even on private property. In some cases it’s even illegal to tent camp in your own backyard.
* The Four Basics of Human Survival: Food, Clothing, Shelter and Fuel are Essential for Our Existence.
* A Homeless Man Dean, Dials In and provides Insight.