* Guest: Former Sheriff Richard Mack – CSPOA.org.
* “homelessness is not a problem that will go away until we finally attack it head on and address the REAL underlying issues. “One size fits all”…doesn’t work.” – MicheleSteeb.com.
* A group of San Diego housing advocates believe building on property owned by churches and non-profits could be the solution for creating more affordable homes.
* Life in four sea cans: Calgary family moves into shipping-container home.
* Study: 14.3M Illegal Aliens Living in US, Costing Americans $132B a Year.
* The economy seems to be falling off a cliff. Is America’s commitment to religion doing the same? – William C. Duncan.
* ‘Captain America’ star Chris Evans joined a chorus of unhinged Hollywood liberals over the weekend who are calling for Communist style lists to be compiled of Trump supporters for implied retribution once Trump leaves office.