* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org – RonPaulInstitute.org.
* False Flag at the Capitol: It’s All About the Effects and After-Shocks – Jon Rappoport. The Capitol break-in is a MAJOR covert op. Like all staged events, the planned after-effects are the most important pieces.
* Capitol Chaos – Ron Paul.
* Tweet of the Week: Lindsey Graham – “Twitter may ban me for this but I willingly accept that fate: Your decision to permanently ban President Trump is a serious mistake. The Ayatollah can tweet, but Trump can’t. Says a lot about the people who run Twitter.”
* Utahns at the US Capitol (reported at the Highland Meeting).
* The Great Reset Comes Every Sunday – Allan Stevo.
* The Great Reset can come every Sunday. “It happens when you arise and bow down to your maker, when you do things so hard so much of the week and then humble yourself on the seventh day, ease into the comfort of giving in a little, and reflect on how much better you can be. “None of us are perfect. Reflecting on that detail is so humbling and leveling. Life can make a lot more sense after that few minutes or few hours of prayerful reflection.”