Scott N. Bradley | 05 March 2024
The California Bravo Sierra response to the COVID-Con was implemented 01 October 2021. Two and a half years ago. While California is regarded by many as the quintessential exemplar of the COVID blitzkrieg run amuck, most other states were right on track and target with their flavor of the Bravo Sierra, and had already embraced (or shortly would) the same of similar idiocy. In all cases the response was completely based upon false pretenses at EVERY level. No science, logic, reason, or intelligence held sway. Just like EVERYTHING associated with the COVID-Con, NOTHING was sound. Logic, reason, intelligence, religious verities, constitutional rule of law, medical protocols, scientific processes, and all societal norms were wholeheartedly abandoned. The modus operandi was tyrannically based.
Newsom’s California response reflected the official national mentality that permeated and continues to saturate the governmental and institutional psyche. And MAYBE Newsom has his sights set upon expanding his muddle-minded Bravo Sierra onto the national stage in the relative near future. Oh, woe is me!!!
Regardless of the universally accepted practice, the six foot spacing is admittedly an arbitrary made up standard.
The masks are demonstrably and admittedly ineffective, and are simply “holier than thou” virtue signals promoted to demonstrate compliance by the masses. Yes, and chain link fences keep mosquitos out, if you follow the official dogma.
Permitted gatherings with a maximum of only three households??? Hmm . . . Four households is the high threat number (especially when there is no definition of how large or small a household is).
Parties limited to two hours??? Germs have apparently been proven to have a history of slow starts that prevent them from mounting an assault prior to that time (I guess they have to evaluate the circumstances and rally the troops, and organize a plan of attack, and then muster their resources—-a lot of logistics, you know)????
Extended lockdowns that would cause the virus to lose hope of infesting someone and permanently going away and be eradicated, never to raise its ugly head again?? Locking and barricading your door is surely an effective means by which microscopic organisms may be frustrated.
Airplane rides where air is recirculated in the contained metal tube you are riding in. And where you sit masked shoulder to shoulder and two feet in front or in back of your fellow inmates, waiting to take your mask off when you get to eat your peanuts. Those pesky germs are kept at bay by the universal talisman called peanuts???!!!
“Vaccines”(falsely called) were developed at “warp speed” using an unproven theory (actually previously PROVEN to be both UNSAFE AND INEFFECTIVE in past experiments)?? Long established protocols for development and safety of medicine were wholeheartedly abandoned without valid reason or justification. EXPERIMENTAL jabs were developed and foisted upon humanity that had not been tested beyond mere minutes for any dangerous side effects that time has proven include stroke, blood clots, heart damage, organ failure, auto-immune responses (many expected to be lifelong), infertility, turbo-cancers, etc., and death.
Marketing slogans universally trumpeted by “news” commentators, politicians, “trusted” elected office-holders, “educators,” so-called “public health” officials, religious “leaders,” highly-credentialed medical mavens, bought and paid for celebrity endorsers, etc. based solely upon the developer’s efforts to sell their faulty and dangerous product became the watchwords of the day. Blather, blather, blather. Fake news displaced truth and became the only dogma of the day. Government censors collaborated with media and big tech to destroy one of the great protectors of liberty and proper government—freedom of the press and speech. Propaganda ruled without fear of exposure of the universal falsehood being promoted by the organs of communication. Throughout history no war has been waged by a nation that had a more complex and complete overthrow of truth in favor of the lies that were officially promoted.
Economic damage was inflicted upon individuals, families, and nations that cannot even be calculated, and may never be recouped. Many HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars were pointlessly and unconstitutionally pillaged from a bankrupt nation that borrowed on the backs of unborn generations of Americans.
Government seized private resources and expanded its death-grip on the throats of citizens in the name of falsely assuring security and safety. These encroachments are still enthroned in the seats of government today. In fact, these usurpations, imposed in the falsely generated time of fear and panic are currently being built upon by policy wonks and legislators that will never let a real or imagined emergency go to waste as they weave their web of deceit upon their subjects and serfs.
Educational destruction that is unrecoverable (both from a lost opportunity perspective, and from the perspective that falsehood has become the basis of institutional educational standard that advocates error as truth, and the wokism mentality—-mush for brains) has eradicated American academic ascendency
Tyranny that set aside (destroyed) individual God-given rights, including religious liberty, and the right to worship and serve our God and fellow-man, freedom of speech and the press, the freedom to assemble and express that which will restore and preserve liberty and proper government., etc. became the standard that yoked society to the new chains of bondage.
Conditions that continue to facilitate and accelerate the destruction of national sovereignty and Constitutionally-established governments are flourishing as governments flounder through their machinations. Illegal, unconstitutional “mandates” continue to be held as viable as if they were properly framed laws created within authorized limits, and many of those false usurpations are being given color of law by legislators and executives bent on covering their former and future tyrannical usurpations.
Unmitigated tyranny that prevented the most basic and essential human interactions such as the ability and right to buy, sell, interact and exchange were the rule of the day during the height of the panic, which was unceasingly fed by the talking-head media pundits that shilled the panic-fear.
The vast majority of the population was herded into testing pens to participate in false and useless diagnostic tests that, more often than not, resulted in false positives that were constantly trumpeted as dire statements of doom to feed the frenzy of hopeless panic. The inventor of the test decried its use, and tried to divert its application due to the fact he knew it was being promoted and falsely applied, but his efforts were ignored and discarded by an establishment-driven script that demanded the frenzy become universal.
With a few courageous, shining exceptions, the vaunted medical profession was largely silent in examining and promoting viable solutions. Medical modalities that experience proved were literal death sentences were clung to and carried out with religious fervor, with deadly and destructive outcomes. With their vaunted educations, the bulk of physicians should have stood in the gap as guardians of truth in their profession, and protectors of the ignorant. It would seem that physicians should be among the most culpable in their silence due to their extensive educations, and what they SHOULD know and stand for. The aphorism: “First, do no harm” was abandoned en masse by a largely complicit and compliant profession that should have been willing to stand as the first line of defense against the juggernaut of marketing hype spewing forth from eager profiteers and tyrants.
Legalized, institutionally approved protocol-mandated murder is still murder. And if the medical professionals were worried about their status and standing, be it social, or economic, or their responsibility to provide for their families, or whatever, the deaths and suffering of those who had the ignominious protocols inflicted upon them must be considered. The afflicted ones had social and economic status also, and they also had responsibility to provide for their families. What of them? And just as the excuse that they “didn’t know,” or “were just following orders” during the post-World War II Nuremberg trials did not provide cover or exoneration to those that carried out the horrific activities against those who suffered under their hands, the medical professionals must realize that they bear a duty to hold a higher standard of performance. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the dedicated anti-Nazis theologian who died at the hands of the Nazis regime wrote:
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.”
Under the iron-fisted draconian mandates and modalities that were enforced under the fear-driven philosophy that they were carried out for the “good of society,” countless individuals suffered and died alone due to practices and treatment that forbid even the most basic of human caring and interaction!!
These and many other deleterious and egregious burdens have been imposed upon mankind, and the shackles and chains that are still being forged by those that seek to overthrow our liberty and proper government, and are embolden by the spineless lack of resistance of the sheeple, and the complicit assistance of institutions, useful shills and idiots, and governments will be yet made manifest.
Regardless of the universally repeated mantra, the phrase that the jab is “safe and effective” is and was simply marketing drivel offered as a profit-driven slogan.
A “Godsend”?? Indeed!! Perhaps if your god is Lucifarian, satanic, and diabolical that may be accurately stated.
And NO ONE who foisted this upon mankind has offered even the slightest breath of an apology for the death, destruction, tyranny, and suffering they inflicted upon their fellowman.
Buckle up!! We ain’t seen nothing yet!